About project

Multilingual Corpus and its Resources for European Studies Research


Grant Agreement  № 101096123 — MCRESR

The Project Aim

the creation of a multilingual corpus, the resources of which will provide:

1) the introduction of the corpus approach for the in-depth, multifaceted study of the problems of European studies;

2) carrying out scientific research in the field of European studies and transfer of developed technologies to those spheres of social and state life that are most significant for the economy of Ukraine;

3) involvement of teachers and researchers in studying, consulting, mentoring and providing expert services in subject areas related to European integration.

Project Implementation Period

December 01, 2022 – November 30, 2025


The activity is financed by the European Union.

The Project Objectives

1.Compilation of a multi-lingual multi-level corpus of texts on European studies, which will include the following sub-corpora:

2. Development and inclusion of the educational module “Multilingual corpus and its resources for the study of European studies” in the educational program for training doctors of philosophy;

3. Conducting trainings for students, teachers, researchers, civil servants, and public organizations in order to exchange experience and results of work with corpora for didactic and research purposes;

4. Study of best practices and popularization of the progressive experience of associations (UACES – the academic association for Contemporary European Studies, European Union Studies Association).


  1. Compilation of a multilingual corpus of texts on European studies, which has extensive meta-marking, covers the period from 1950 to 2020, and contains more than 10,000 texts of various genres.
  2. Creation of the work programme of the Module “Multilingual Corpus and its Resources for European Studies Research” with innovative content for the preparation of PhDs.
  3. Development and testing of innovative teaching methodology of European studies using the corpus approach.
  4. Providing methodological, advisory, and informational support to all those interested in subject areas related to European studies.
  5. Preparation and publication of newsletters “UACES: best practices for Ukraine”, and “European Union Studies Association: synergy of creating successful start-ups / projects”.
  6. Conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars, webinars, trainings & other events on European issues;
  7. Scientific, popular science, and information publications of project team members.
  8. Creation and maintenance of the website of the Module “Multilingual Corpus and its Resources European Studies Research”, as well as the development of a corresponding training course on the Moodle platform.
  9. Dissemination of information about the Module through the operation of the website and through cooperation with the media.
  10. Inclusion in the open-access scientific journal “Messenger of KNLU. Series “Philology” (http://philmessenger.knlu.edu.ua/) Section “Corpus Linguistics”.


COORDINATOR of the project

doctor of philological sciences, professor, vice-rector from scientific work of KNLU (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

CO-COORDINATOR of the project

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, KNLU (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

PARTICIPANT in the project

doctor of philological sciences, associate professor, executor of the project MCREST at KNLU (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

PARTICIPANT in the project


candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, executor of the project MCREST at KNLU (Kyiv, UKRAINE)